I am so lazy at keeping these blogs up to date, you're all missing out on the great work I'm producing with some fantastic photographers and of course all the crazy things that happen in thelife of silkythighslou, and for this I apologise . So, as I lie here in bed soaking up the gorgeous sunlight pouring into my bedroom I thought i'd set the ball rolling again and make the utmost effort to restart the blog .
The past few months have seen me work with some really fantastic people in so many styles, can't say Silky is a stereo typed model . This last week for instance I've shot under a motorway bridge, in a lake, tutored a new photographer to model photography, and shot with a photographer who had purchased a fantastic new camera ...... oh and I also celebrated my 48th birthday .
To whet your appetite I'm going to post a couple of images from some recent work and look out for more as the days go by :-)